From water to waste, power to pollutants, we aim to maintain world-class environmental management standards.
2023 highlights
- 20% of electricity demand met by solar
- 14% reduction in Scope 1&2 emission in 2023
- Scope 1&2 emissions intensity: 0.55 tCO2e/ounce of gold produced
- Recycled water constituted 18% of our total water consumption
We maintain the highest environmental standards in order to minimise the risk posed by our operations to employees, local communities, broader society and the environment.
We are committed to meeting baseline obligations under national laws, and where practicable strive to comply with IFC standards. We have an environmental policy and framework, which requires all employees and contractors to operate in an environmentally responsible manner.
From the moment we start planning a mine or an expansion to our existing operations, potential environmental impacts are considered. During feasibility, an environmental and social impact assessment is conducted to identify specific risks, which informs the development of an environmental management plan. The ongoing environmental management plan at Blanket aims to meet or exceed legal requirements, ensuring best management practices for environmental protection based on South Africa’s NOSA safety standards. It also forms the basis for environmental training, provided to all employees during induction and refreshed annually. We have clear procedures in place in response to any environmental emergencies, which are included in our Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

Mining is an energy intensive industry, and a constant supply of power is required to keep operations functioning efficiently. Blanket uses electricity to power most of the underground equipment and to hoist ore, waste and employees to surface; electricity is also used to run the metallurgical plant. Energy use is our largest direct source of greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, our climate and energy strategies are inextricably linked. Our approach to energy management is underpinned by four key goals:
- Secure an adequate supply of energy to our operations
- Continually improve our energy efficiency
- Use clean energy sources to the extent practicably possible
- Reduce our carbon footprint to manage our climate-related risks
Climate change risks in the region where we operate include the potential increase in temperature and erratic rainfall, which could reduce the amount of available water with a potential impact on agriculture and food security.
We are aware of our responsibility to assess our impact on climate change, as well as to mitigate risks related to a changing atmosphere. We do this by integrating climate change into our business decision making and overall governance discussions. Governance of climate-related issues is managed by the ESG Committee, which also assists the Board with evaluating, overseeing and reporting on progress of ESG goals, including those related to climate change.
Solar power
Approximately one fifth of Blanket’s energy demand is met by solar power, which decreases our reliance on diesel-powered generators and purchased electricity from the grid. Solar power supplies approximately 20% of Blanket’s total electricity requirements per day, substantially reducing our use of generators to provide back-up when grid power has failed, during the night and/or during inclement weather when solar is less effective.
2023 Highlights
- 62% reduction in diesel used in generators
- 6,272 tCO2-e saved
Total Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas emissions
Units | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Scope 1 | Tonnes CO2e | 9,531 | 14,548 | 15,129 |
Scope 2 | Tonnes CO2e | 28,821 | 31,297 | 32,624 |
Total Scope 1+2 | Tonnes CO2e | 38,362 | 45,845 | 47,753 |
Scope 1+2 emissions intensity | tCO2e / ounce of gold produced | 0.66 | 0.68 | 0.6 |
We are committed to responsible water use and recognise access to clean water as a fundamental human right. Operating in a region of high-water stress at Blanket, we are aware of our responsibility to effectively manage water use enable shared use with other stakeholders. The bulk of Blanket’s water is withdrawn from the Blanket Dam, which is owned and managed by the Zimbabwe National Water Authority, and which also supplies the nearby town of Gwanda; therefore, we ensure water consumption is well controlled, with volumes of water abstracted and used from local sources being monitored alongside discharge water quality monitoring. In addition to this, water is pumped from the underground operations and 12 onsite boreholes. We are able to reduce freshwater demand from the dam thanks to water which has been used in the metallurgical plant being recycled from the tailings storage facility.
Gold mining processes create significant volumes of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Ensuring all the waste we generate is dealt with in a responsible manner is critical to the health of local environments, the health of local communities and the health of our business and we strive to make sure all waste associated with our activities is managed to the highest standard.
A Waste Management Plan is included as part of Blanket’s EMP, which aims to ensure sound waste management practices and compliance with legal requirements and regulations pertaining to environmental protection. Our goal is to reduce, reuse and recycle waste wherever possible and promote the efficient use of natural resources. We do not transport, export, import treat or internationally ship any hazardous wastes.
Whilst waste management is the responsibility of every worker, we also have designated employees to ensure responsible and effective waste management. We also provide training to employees regarding the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste as well as hazardous waste management for all relevant employees, including cyanide disposal processes.
An important part of our environmental stewardship involves careful managing and maintaining of local flora and fauna near our operations or exploration activities. After closure of our Blanket mine, our goal is to establish an environment that is compatible with current uses for land within the area. Our use of land near Blanket does not impact local communities, who do not use any land near the mine’s concession. We conduct Environmental Impact Assessments for all projects and use these baseline studies to consider and document the full spectrum of flora and fauna on and nearby the site as well as to understand possible mitigation actions. We follow the recommendations and aim to go beyond the prescribed measures to mitigate any potential negative impacts.
Reclamation at Blanket is intended to minimise and, where practical, eliminate environmental damage, provide for domestic livestock use, protect water quality in the adjacent streams which flow into the Blanket Dam and minimise public health and safety hazards. Rehabilitation is performed to all areas where it is applicable and includes tree planting and introducing fresh soil where required. Rehabilitation is carried out on the slope of the TSF which, in addition to its clear environmental advantages, also has the added benefits of mitigating wind erosion and dust formation.
Blanket has a Reclamation and Closure Plan that is updated regularly and aims to ensure both the physical and chemical stability of the facilities of the mine.