Developing a sustainable business
Our approach to ESG
We are committed to the highest sustainability standards, underpinned by the plans, procedures, and metrics to ensure implementation, and to transparent disclosure of our approach and performance in line with global sustainability reporting and market expectations.
At Caledonia, ultimate responsibility for the implementation of our ESG policies and performance rests with our Board of Directors. Our Board-level ESG Committee oversees, monitors and reviews our practice and performance in areas including safety, health, stakeholder relationships and environmental management and advises the wider Board.
At a corporate level, responsibility for the implementation of our sustainability policies and the achievement of group sustainability targets sits with our Group Head of ESG, who reports directly to the CEO and COO. Blanket Mine has its own dedicated environmental, health and safety and community development departments. These teams drive the management and delivery of all community, safety and environmental initiatives and drive on the ground performance.
Our group sustainability policies either meet or exceed the requirements of applicable legislation. Beyond this, we strive to align our performance and standards with the recommendations of the IFC Performance Standards, the Equator Principles, and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
“At Caledonia, we have long recognised that operating in a responsible manner is not only a moral obligation, it is also a business imperative.”
Mark Learmonth, Chief Executive Officer
Read our 2023 ESG Report.
Our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We believe that responsible mining can catalyse social and economic development and has a crucial role to play in the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, Caledonia has mapped its ESG approach to the aims and targets of the SDGs since 2022. We select SDGs to concentrate on guided by the most critical ESG topics for our stakeholders and where we can have the greatest impact.

Health & Wellbeing
Our commitment:
Health and Safety is critical to Caledonia both inside of and outside the mine gates. We are dedicated to attaining a workplace free from harm and we concentrate on protecting the health of our employees and their families.
Safety remains our foremost concern in all our endeavours. In addition to our commitments to provide a safe and healthy workplace, we are dedicated to supporting wellbeing in the communities surrounding the mine. Health is also a key focus area for our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes implemented in local communities.

Quality Education
Our commitment:
Education and access to education is a critical escalator out of poverty. We are committed to improving access to education for our employees and the local community. At Blanket, we have a mandatory safety training program for our employees along with various operational training courses. Upgrades of local schools and installing facilities such as science laboratories, form part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes.
As a fundamental aspect of our CSR framework, we also strive to bolster education within our local communities.

Water & Sanitation
Our commitment:
We regard access to clean water and sanitation as fundamental human rights and we ensure their provision to all employees and their dependants residing in the Blanket village. Furthermore, we collaborate with the local community to enhance water supply and sanitation facilities.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Our commitment:
Our objective is to optimise our capacity to make positive impacts on our local communities, fostering social and economic development whenever feasible. Blanket operates in an area with limited job prospects, and the employment opportunities and community assistance we offer significantly enhance the quality of life for those in the vicinity of the mine. Additionally, through transparent tax and royalty payments, we contribute to the broader development of the Zimbabwean economy.
10% of Blanket is owned by the employees through an Employee Trust, and 10% of the mine is owned by local communities through the Gwanda Community Share Ownership Trust (GSCOT). The GSCOT is independent of Blanket.

Reduced Inequalities
Our commitment:
Our commitment to women and youth empowerment as a cornerstone of our CSR programme involves elevating the status of women and youth through education, training, and literacy initiatives. To uphold this commitment, Blanket provides attachment opportunities annually for students, offering them exposure to real-world industrial practices.

Climate Action
Our commitment:
We are committed to understanding and taking action on our impact on climate change, as well as the potential impact of climate change on our operations. We calculate our Scope 1 and 2 emissions as well as some Scope 3 emissions. Given the energy-intensive nature of our operations, we continually strive to enhance efficiencies, to utilise renewable energy where practicable and minimise emissions whenever feasible. At Blanket, approximately a fifth of the mine’s daily energy requirement is met by solar power.